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2020 Advocacy + Policy Alerts

July 21, 2020 | Coronavirus Relief Fund Flexibility Act (S. 3638)

On behalf of the APA Ohio Board of Trustees, APA Ohio President Christopher Anderson, AICP wrote a letter to Senator Rob Portman thanking him for co-sponsoring the bipartisan Coronavirus Relief Fund Flexibility Act. He reiterated the importance of the planning profession as communities begin recovering from the impacts of COVID-19. 

View the Letter

March 24, 2020 | Communities Need Help Responding to COVID-19

What You Need to Know

Congress is poised to pass legislation – as soon as today – that could include necessary support for localities grappling with the fallout from the global pandemic. Work on the bill – which is part of a series of legislative actions by Congress to lighten the economic and the social impacts of COVID-19 on families and individuals residing in the US – is in progress in the Senate. Now is the time to tell your House and Senate members how they can support local communities in meeting today’s urgent needs and setting the stage for tomorrow’s recovery. 

What You Can Do to TAKE ACTION
It's easy! Planners are uniquely positioned to help communities stabilize, respond, and recover from this public health crisis, but we need the right federal resources to do so. Share APA's message outlining steps that Congress can take to partner with local communities to aid in response and recovery efforts.

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