Workshop Schedule
7:30 - 8:30 A | Registration and Continental Breakfast |
8:30 - 9:30 A Concurrent Sessions |
Success through planning & following the plan: Cincinnati Central Riverfront SR 1.0 Housing & zoning reform: Background and trends in addressing the housing crisis Investing in lives & livable streets: College Hill's Complete Streets success More than just a public meeting: Fostering equitable community engagement Eq 1.0 |
9:45 - 10:45 A Concurrent Sessions |
Creating More affordable housing in our region Eq 1.0 Growing safer streets: the region's first traffic garden in Dayton, KY CommonGround: Co-creating vibrant spaces for all The road to AICP - process, preparation & passing |
11:00 A - 12:00 P Concurrent Sessions |
Connected Communities: How Cincinnati is Tackling the Housing Crisis Zoning Horizons: Unveiling New Ordinances for Adaptability, Foresight, & Accountability How to Manage Conflict in Planning A Case Study for Urban Revitalization: Covington, KY Central Riverfront Ethics for Planners E 1.0 |
12:00 - 1:30 P |
Luncheon & Keynote Address |
1:45 - 2:45 P Concurrent Sessions |
Street stories: harnessing community narratives in planning The planning principles of urban retail Housing - A critical issue at the intersection of workforce development and planning The region is going green – OKI’s regional approach to sustainability SR 1.0 Traffic impact studies 101: Basics for planners & commissioners |
3:00 - 4:00 P Concurrent Sessions |
Building better communities: The case for missing middle housing Planners therapy - building emotional resilience Mini Sessions: Excelling with Excel for planners, $1.4B in IRA funding for urban forestry, Crosswalks Building Barbie's World: Effective Use of Comp Plans, PUDs, and Annexation L 1.0 |
4:00 - 5:00 P |
Happy Hour! |
Planning Commissioner Training
8:30 - 10:45 A | Planning Commissioner Training - more details TBA |
None at this time.