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APA Ohio Statement on East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment

Following the derailment and subsequent environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, the Ohio Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA Ohio) offers their full support to the residents of the village and surrounding area. We are extremely grateful for the first responders and other personnel that faced extreme danger to ensure the protection of life and property in the village. This unfortunate event has disrupted the lives of residents both in the village and the surrounding countryside. It is up to the local community leaders to ensure that normalcy is returned as quickly as possible.

No one thinks there will be a disaster in their own backyard, but it is important that plans are developed by the community for the speedy recovery of the area. Villages like East Palestine are resilient and show steady resolve in the face of adversity. Guided by their vision and goals for the future, the village of East Palestine will rebound from this catastrophe and rebuild stronger than ever before.

APA Ohio supports the development and implementation of updated hazard mitigation plans, for Columbiana County and the many other jurisdictions that face similar risks. This disaster has highlighted the need for collaborative, interagency planning efforts. This derailment demonstrates that the impacts of one event may transcend many aspects of a community. Rebuilding from this disaster will require the assistance of people with experience ranging from emergency management, to economic and community development, transportation planning, and land use planning. Working hand in hand with members of the community, it is possible to turn this tragedy into a triumph.

A sustainable and resilient East Palestine begins recovering today.

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APA Ohio is a statewide, non-profit association of citizens and professional planners committed to promoting and enhancing planning and the quality of planning for all governmental entities in order to maintain and improve the quality of life for all Ohioans.  APA Ohio is a state chapter of the American Planning Association (APA). 

APA Ohio provides regional and statewide forums for investigation and discussion.  These forums lead to practical, use-it-today solutions to planning and development challenges.  APA Ohio encourages legislation and action programs to enhance sound planning at the state, regional and local levels. 

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